A wonderful journey comes to an end

November 6, 2023

But it's only just the start for the POIESIS engagement activities!

The journey of the POIESIS Public Deliberative Workshops came to an end with the submission of their findings. 7 public discussions were conducted in 7 different European countries from May till July. More than 150 people of different social and cultural backgrounds from Denmark, Portugal, Germany, UK, Spain, France and Greece participated and held very interesting discussions about trust in science in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic and the climate change, and how good or bad research practices may affect it.

The discussions were enhanced by topical experts on the aforementioned issues in each country and were conducted by a professional moderator. The activity was coordinated by POIESIS WP2 which is led by CIES-ISCTE, the projects' consortium member from Lisbon, under Dr. Marta Entradas and Dr. InĂªs C. Sousa. You can read about the conclusions here: https://poiesis-project.eu/deliverables/ (D 2.2 - Public Deliberative Workshops - Findings).

Stay tuned on our website as there are more interesting events to come!

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