A large survey was conducted over the Autumn involving 2847 respondents, a minimum of 400 in each of the projects’ Consortium countries (Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, France and Greece). The aim of the study was to experimentally investigate the effects of institutional commitment to research integrity and societal [...]
On December 11, our sister project VERITY in collaboration with POIESIS and IANUS, hosted an inspiring and thought-provoking meeting on "The Role of Trust in Science for Effective Policy and Societal Progress." A special highlight of the event was the active participation of the European Commission, represented by Dr. Georgios Papanagnou [...]
The POIESIS 4th General Assembly was held in Aarhus on November 28th and 29th. With POIESIS results from the projects’ plethora of engagement events beginning to pile up, we are delighted that we are getting closer towards POIESIS final recommendations for Tackling Societal Mistrust in Science and for Strengthening the [...]
Dr. Panagiotis Kavouras of the POIESIS NTUA team has presented online, aspects of the projects’ early findings at the 24th FERCAP International Conference 2024 "Maximizing Benefits through Responsible Conduct of Research", which was held in Nepal. The "Promoting Trust in Science" session where the presentation was made, included several other [...]
The POIESIS NTUA Team conducted 16 interviews with 11 science communicators and 5 Researchers on COVID-19 and Climate Change over the course of the summer. Those were part of the total of 119 Expert Interviews that were conducted in the 7 European countries that participate in the project and explored [...]
The POIESIS expert interview study included 119 scientific communicators and researchers from the seven countries participating in the project. This study explored how scientific information is transferred from the laboratory to the general public through ‘chains of mediation’. It investigated the role of scientific integrity and citizen integration in research [...]